Tuesday 30 April 2019

Titanium video analysis



·      By David Guetta, vocals by Sia.
·      Released August 2011.
·      Released with an album in December.
·      Genre – house and urban dance.
·      Supernatural scene, suburban setting.
·      Song lyrics about inner strength.
·      No performances by either artists in the video.
·      Focuses on a young boy with supernatural powers.
·      Song was pulled from US radios in December 2012 after a shooting – lyrics were seen as incentive.
·      Filmed outdoors and in a school in Canada.
·      About being Bulletproof, standing strong, getting back up.
·      Titanium – strong metal.

Themes – inner strength, standing up for what is right, adults vs children.


Settings: (80s)
School – destroyed.
Riding bike – suburban street in America
Gets home – messy, living alone – kitchen messy.
Into the woods – sun setting. Time passed from when he was at school.

Icons – Beanie, bike, keys, teddy, torches, TV.

Narrative – realising what he has done, running home to pack, running away from the police.

Characters – teacher – scared of him – makes us suspicious of what he has done, who he is.
Child – age 10/11
Two women running.

Camera, Mise en Scene:

Frame, angle, movement:

Close up to long shot, tracking out as he stands up and realises what he has done – has his face in his hands – trying to protect himself.

long shot wide angle in the woods – shows he is alone and vulnerable.

Start of video he was on the floor face down alone – close up into long shot, at the end he was also on the floor face down, this time he can’t get up as he is surrounded.

Tracking mid shot with the child as he walks out the school, shows how alone he is, has to figure out where to go.

Long shot tracking out of him in school sitting down, shows him alone and shows the destruction he has caused. Dull colouring.

Mid shot level angle, from behind him as he is throwing away his teddy bears – he is throwing away his childhood as he needs to fend for himself now.

Mid shot of him looking at the tv, then cuts to a close up on the TV which shows the event that he caused at the school.

Door locked, front door knocked down, he has to escape, close up on the keys moving – he is using his powers to help himself.

Sound and editing:

Sound – GILE – Genre, Instruments, Lyrics, Emotion.

Editing – STOPS – Screen time, Transitions, Order of narrative, Pace, Sfx

As the pace of the song increases he gets up and walks out – song starts slow when he is on the floor, tempo increases as he gets up.

Most shots in slow-mo, when he first gets on bike it is sped up with the song.
Slow mo on the teacher running out to see her facial expressions.

Lyrics – fire away, fire away – as he throws his teddy bears away.

Stop Where You Are video analysis

Stop Where You Are (2016)

·      Rising star in 2006.
·      Genre a hybrid of soul/pop
·      Her husband died in 2008
·      New album in 2016 which included ‘Stop Where you are’

‘stop where you are is about being present, stopping and celebrating what’s happening right at this very moment.

Stop where you are video:

·      Different representations, minorities, people on the fringes on society.
·      Beams of light coming through in darks places.


Setting – derelict area

Class – lower class homeless people/teenagers being represented.

teenagers – stereotypical teenage girl – hoodie, alone – long shot wide angle – framed her to the side, with the environment taking up the shot. She is irrelevant in the video – low-key lighting.
Then a jump cut towards her (mid shot), she has turned round so we can identify her. High-key lighting. – CBR is saying don’t judge people straight away or people who are on the fringe of society.
Then later in video – close up, light on her face.

A man is then shown, out of focus, with tattoos, close up, opposite to the girl, he gets too much attention. He isn’t in the video much at first – small screen time.

Homeless woman – angle looking down on her like society does on homeless people. Then there is more light on her, still looking down on her, but also looking down on the businessman helping her. Then there is a cut to looking up at both of them – they are equal. Then they are cut to being level, the man is out of focus, she is in focus.

Ethnicity – black, white, Asian