Thursday 27 September 2018

Boyz in the Hood analysis

Describe - the clip shows a rough neighbourhood and is mainly from the perspective of young kids and their day to day experience.
In detail - it starts with off screen noise of people shouting, police sirens, and gun shots. It then cuts to some friends, (children) walking to school and talking about the night, and if they heard the gun shots ect. The apparent leader of the group then takes them to the site of the shooting, and they have a look at that. They then walk to school, and it cuts to the classroom, where the leader, (Tre) is being rude to the teacher, so the teacher tells him to teach the class himself. He then goes up to the front of the class and points to Africa on a map and asks the class if they know where that is. He then tells the whole class that they all came from Africa, and another student protests that. A fight then breaks out between the students. There is then a cut to Tre walking home, and behind him a group of people are beating someone up, which could be foreshadowing Tre's future. The clip ends in his house, and his mother is on the phone to who we assume is Tre's teacher. His teacher is talking to her about his behaviour in school, and whether there are any problems at home. The mother is offended by what the teacher is saying, and says to her how she is doing her masters' degree and is employed.
Setting - the location is a lower class neighbourhood in the 1990s.
Themes - Violence, black oppression, problems with the police.
Icons - stop sign at the start, it is the first thing we see on screen after we hear the off screen noise of shooting and sirens. police do not cross tape at the scene of the shooting which the children just walk under to see the remains of the shooting. This could symbolise how the police aren't doing enough to stop the crime and violence.
Narrative - the story is from the perspective of Tre, and he is the main character as he is at the centre of every scene. So the story is told through him. It is about kids growing up in this area and surviving.
Characters - main character Tre, he has a bad attitude towards school, and despite having a safe house, it appears he will grow up to be a part of the violence, due to his interest in what happened the night before.
Textual analysis - at the start when Tre is walking to school, with his friends, he is positioned in front of them, talking to them as if he is the leader. This also happens later on in the clip, when he is at the front of the class talking to the whole class, again in a leader role. This shows that he is the main character and will be significant throughout the film.


Music - not much music, however there are sound effects with some transitions like when the kids are walking down the alley going to the murder scene, there is mysterious sounding music. The audience doesn't know at this point where they are going so this music adds a good effect.
Contrapuntal/parallel - not much music.
Diegetic/non diegetic - some non diegetic sound, such as the transition sound as they are going down the alleyway.
Off screen - sound in the background - shooting, helicopter sirens ect.
Voiceover - no voiceover.
Emotion - the lifestyle of the kids living in a violent town makes the audience feel sympathy, and hope that the kids don't go down the violent path that appears so easy to do living in a town like that.
Dialogue - they seem angry and scared when they talk, Tre is more angry about all the violence, and the girls with him sound more scared about it.


Screen time - Tre has the most screen time, showing that he will be the main character through the rest of the film.
Transitions - first scene - track in on stop sign with a loud bang in the background to show that they want the crime to stop but it probably never will. There is violence at the start, in the middle and the end of the clip, showing that no matter where you are, there is constant violence, even in the classroom. Dissolve from blood on the walls to children's drawings of a helicopter and a coffin, showing the constant crime in the area.
Order of narrative - the clip shows four times of the day. We hear audio from the crime from the night before, then the morning through to the afternoon, when the school day is finished.
Pace - not many cuts, 3 main sections of the clip, the morning, mid day at school, and then the afternoon.
Special effects - not many special effects.


  • Track in on stop sign at the beginning.
  • Tre is at the centre of frame in most of the shots he is in. 
  • Pan left from a one way sign to the alleyway where the crime scene is.

1 comment:

  1. Great work and keen analysis. More on camera and the effect of these are used, I know it's covered largely in mise en scene but try and put them together. The low angle close up shot of the STOP sign could signify...
