Tuesday 13 November 2018

Front pages analysis


The Sun front page

This is The Sun front page from today (9/11/18), and the main story is to do with celebrities and, more specifically Strictly Come Dancing, despite there being other important events happening in the world today. For example, yesterday there was a wildfire in Florida.

The Times front page

This is the Times from today (9/11/18), and the main story is about Brexit, and there are multiple stories on the front page, whereas there is only 1 or maybe two main stories, with a much larger picture and larger and bolder text. On the broadsheet, there is a lot more text with more detail, so is for a older target audience.

Mid-Market Tabloids:

The mid-market tabloids are similar to the normal tabloids as they often avoid front page news on politics, and prefer to show stories to do with celebrities or, with the Daily Express, the weather. The Daily Express has a reputation of a panic obsession with weather.

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