Thursday 28 February 2019

Minecraft introduction

1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have on his YouTube channel?
Over 16 million.

2. How many years has he been doing this?
He started uploading videos in 2009

3. Why did he start playing Minecraft?
His subscribers asked him to make Minecraft videos.

4. What doe she say he is trying to do with his content?
Try and see how he can improve his videos day by day.

5. Describe his average working day:
Wake up between 12-2pm. By 3-4pm check emails, then he makes 3 videos for the day. He has 3 different channels that he uploads on, the first video will be ready at 7:30pm, the second at 10pm and the third at 1am.

6. Why might we watch YouTubers?
To find out more about different games, to learn how to play and get better at games, and watching others play games or other types of videos for entertainment.

7. What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
Twitch is a streaming platform where people can record themselves playing games and stream them live to an audience. The average time spent watching streams by viewers is 95 minutes per day.

8. How much do you estimate Ali-A earns in a year? Check Social Blade.
Between £160k - £2.6 million.

Microsofts's purchase of Mojang:

9. How much was Minecraft purchased for?
$2.5 billion.

10. What are three reasons behind Microsoft's purchase?
a. It was already a profitable game and company so the risk wasn't too high.
b. Microsoft don't target this type of audience and their main products are slowly in decline.
c. Microsoft's assets will allow them to help players and creators of the game develop it further when they need to.

11. How might this affect the game?
It won't affect the game in a negative way, it just means that it now has a strong foundation which it can develop on further and more often.

12. What is Minecraft's biggest asset?
The community as it is constantly growing and designing new things within the game and sharing their ideas with each other.

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