Tuesday 26 March 2019

The Big Issue

General facts:

  • started in 1991
  • niche magazine
  • slogan 'a hand up not a hand out'
  • seller makes £1.25 per sale
  • 100,000 copies sold each week
  • 2000 Big Issue venders in the UK
  • hybrid genre - entertainment and social issues
  • similar papers in more than 120 countries
  • 100 people approach the big issue foundation every week
Big Issue aims:
  • help homeless people (financial)
  • gives them confidence
  • gives them experience and training
  • allows them to have a real job instead of beg and steal.
  • improves public problems.
  • 'ethical capitalism' - John Bird - making money the right way.
Analysing a Big Issue front cover:
  • Masthead - the title of the magazine.
  • plug - text that 'plugs a feature that will appear inside the magazine.
  • puff - main story on the front cover
  • cover star
  • anchorage text - text that anchors the main image and gives it meaning.
  • banner - text that runs across the bottom of the cover.
  • skyline - text that runs across the top of the cover.
  • DRCAGES (representation)
  • social, cultural, political

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