Tuesday 30 April 2019

Music Videos introduction

Music videos
Titanium – David Guetta
Stop where you are – Corrine Bailey Rae

Camera analysis:

FAM – frame, angle movement.

Mise en scene – CLAMPS – costume, lighting, actor, makeup, props, setting

This is America video analysis:

Significant shots:

Juxtaposition – dancing and violence.
Track out – empty cars – black men killed by traffic stops.
Police car burning – police brutality needs to stop
long shot of glover shooting someone.
Close – up eye-level tracking shot of glover running away from white people. – Get Out – intertextuality.
Shooting the choir – Charleston, south Carolina massacre.
Dancing with school children – he is their role model.
The gun is treated with more respect than the black people

Themes – violence, white supremacy
History of racism in US.

The role of Glover – he is representing America
He is promoting 'black lives matter.'

·      Videos are used to promote artists – their music and fan base. This increases sales.
·      Can usually show the development of the artist.
·      Artists given the most screen time.
·      Performance and storyline so the audience will watch over again.
·      Artists act as performer and narrator to make it more authentic.

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