Thursday 1 November 2018

Advert Evaluation

The task we were given was to make a sweet advert for middle aged men. We tried to sell the product to that audience by showing that it would give men working in the city who are stressed during the day a boost of energy to make them stronger and feel more alive. The name of our brand was City Bears.

I worked with Joe Collins and Nathan. We each had equal roles in acting, camera work, planning and editing.

We planned our advert scene by scene, brainstorming ideas of how we wanted it to start and end the advert. This meant we could write down lots of ideas for each scene, and narrow it down to make sure the video came together well.

We researched different songs for parts of the advert to make sure we found the right song that fits the genre, we watched other adverts for inspiration and created a logo for our product.

I think that overall the advert went well, especially the choice of music and where we cut each scene, however we could have improved the advert by adding some more special effects to add to the feeling of strength that was shown in the video.

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