Monday 5 November 2018

Industry notes

1980s - 50 companies owned 90% of the media
2011 - 6 companies
2015 - comcast highest revenue company - biggest cable provider - half the access to internet in the US.

Disney - £48 billion - ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm.

21st century Fox - advertising - $800 million

Time Warner - lost $100 billion in 2002 when merged with AOL. 2004 they separated.

UK media:

3 companies control 71% of national newspaper circulation. The BBC is a public service broadcaster - doesn't rely on pleasing advertisers.


  • Curran and Seaton - power in media industries.
  • Livingstone and Lunt - regulation.
  • Hesmondalgh - cultural industries.

Media convergence - when audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.

Media format - type of media e.g. video, print based.

Media platform - where media text is presented e.g. TV, cinema, magazine etc.

Marketing and promotion:

  • celeb endorsement
  • cross media campaigns
  • market research

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